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[storrfilesused] 17-10-2016 · Battle for Mosul is crucial turning point in the war against Isis Freeing what is known as the crown jewel in the Islamic caliphate can end Isis The great strategic turning points in World War 2 , here is my list, explained : Great Britain and France declare war 1939 - In response to Hitler's invasion of 30-5-2014 · Video embedded · WWII From Space delivers World War II in a way you've never experienced it before This two-hour History special uses an all-seeing CGI eye … Location: Vietnam: Result: The American war effort in Vietnam peaks in 1968 as the American public support takes a huge hit after the Tet Offensive In conjunction with the 100th anniversary of America’s entry into the war on April 6, 1917, The Great War , a six-hour documentary presented over three The Black Hawk War At St Louis in 1804, future president William Henry Harrison negotiated a treaty with two representatives of the Sauk nation who had come to the In the early hours of 31st January 1968, 70,000 North Vietnamese soldiers, together with guerrilla fighters of the NLF, launched one of the most daring military 6-12-2006 · The Second Naval Battle of Guadalcanal spelled the difference between victory and defeat for the United States in the Pacific war 6-1-2010 · Argument is one of the great pleasures of history Join the conversation in the comments below What was the turning point of World War II? Is it possible Western Front; Part of World War I: British wounded at Bernafay Wood during the Battle of the Somme, 19 July 1916